Land reform

Land reform (also agrarian reform or, though that can have a broader meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership.[1] Land reform may consist of a government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution, generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful:such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the land.[2] Such transfers of ownership may be with or without compensation; compensation may vary from token amounts to the full value of the land.[3]

Land reform may also entail the transfer of land from individual ownership — even peasant ownership in smallholdings — to government-owned collective farms; it has also, in other times and places, referred to the exact opposite: division of government-owned collective farms into smallholdings.[4] The common characteristic of all land reforms, however, is modification or replacement of existing institutional arrangements governing possession and use of land. Thus, while land reform may be radical in nature, such as through large-scale transfers of land from one group to another, it can also be less dramatic, such as regulatory reforms aimed at improving land administration.[5]

Nonetheless, any revision or reform of a country’s land laws can still be an intensely political process, as reforming land policies serves to change relationships within and between communities, as well as between communities and the state. Thus even small-scale land reforms and legal modifications may be subject to intense debate or conflict.[6]


Land ownership and tenure

Land ownership and tenure can be perceived as controversial in part because ideas defining what it means to access or control land, such as through “land ownership” or “land tenure,” can vary considerably across regions and even within countries.[7] Land reforms, which change what it means to control land, therefore create tensions and conflicts between those who lose and those who gain from these redefinitions (see next section).[8]

Western conceptions of land have evolved over the past several centuries to place greater emphasis on individual land ownership, formalized through documents such as land titles.[9] Control over land, however, may also be perceived less in terms of individual ownership and more in terms land use, or through what is known as land tenure.[10] Historically, in many parts of Africa for example, land was not owned by an individual, but rather used by an extended family or a village community. Different people in a family or community had different rights to access this land for different purposes and at different times. Such rights were often conveyed through oral history and not formally documented.[11]

These different ideas of land ownership and tenure are sometimes referred to using different terminology. For example, “formal” or “statutory” land systems refer to ideas of land control more closely affiliated with individual land ownership. “Informal” or “customary” land systems refer to ideas of land control more closely affiliated with land tenure. tenure.[12]

Terms dictating control over and use of land can therefore take many forms. Some specific examples of present day or historic forms of formal and informal land ownership include:

Arguments for and against land reform

Land reform is a deeply political process[13] and therefore many arguments for and against it have emerged. These arguments vary tremendously over time and place. For example, in the twentieth century, many land reforms emerged from a particular political ideology, such as communism or socialism. Or, as can be seen in the 19th century in colonized states, a colonial government may have changed the laws dictating land ownership to better consolidate political power or to support its colonial economy.[14] In more recent times, electoral mobilization and the use of land as a patronage resource have been proposed as possible motivations for land reform efforts, such as the extensive redistributive land reforms of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.[15]

Arguments for land reform

Land reforms need not be as dramatic in scale as Zimbabwe. Today many arguments in support of land reform focus on its potential social and economic benefits, particularly in developing countries, that may emerge from reforms focused on greater land formalization. Such benefits may include eradicating food insecurity and alleviating rural poverty.[16]

And the great owners, who must lose their land in an upheaval, the great owners with access to history, with eyes to read history and to know the great fact: when property accumulates in too few hands it is taken away. And that companion fact: when a majority of the people are hungry and cold they will take by force what they need. And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed.

The Grapes of Wrath [17]

Arguments in support of such reforms gained particular momentum after the publication of "The Mystery of Capital" by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in 2000. The poor, he argues, are often unable to secure formal property rights, such as land titles, to the land on which they live or farm because of poor governance, corruption and/or overly complex bureaucracies. Without land titles or other formal documentation of their land assets, they are less able to access formal credit. Political and legal reforms within countries, according to de Soto, will help to include the poor in formal legal and economic systems, increase the poor’s ability to access credit and contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction.[18]

Many international development organizations and bilateral and multilateral donors, such as the World Bank, have embraced de Soto’s ideas, or similar ideas, about the benefits of greater formalized land rights.[19] This has translated into a number of development programs that work with governments and civil society organizations to initiate and implement land reforms.[20] Evidence to support the economic and pro-poor benefits of increased formalized land rights are, however, still inconclusive according to some critics (see "Arguments against land reform" below).

Other arguments in support of land reform point to the need to alleviate conflicting land laws, particularly in former colonies, where formal and informal land systems may exist in tension with each other.[21] Such conflicts can make marginalized groups vulnerable to further exploitation.[22] For example, in many countries in Africa with conflicting land laws, AIDS stigmatization has led to an increasing number of AIDS widows being kicked off marital land by in-laws.[23] While the woman may have both customary and statutory rights to the land, confusion over which set of laws has primacy, or even a lack of knowledge of relevant laws, leave many AIDS widows at a significant disadvantage. Also, conflicting formal and informal land laws can also clog a country’s legal system, making it prone to corruption.[24]

Additional arguments for land reform focus on the potential environmental benefits of reform. For example, if reform leads to greater security of land ownership, through either formal or informal means, then those that use the land will be better stewards of it.[25]

Arguments against land reform

Many of the arguments in support of land reform speak to its potentially positive social and economic outcomes. Yet, as mentioned previously, land reform is an intensely political process.[8] Thus, many of those opposed to land reform are nervous as to the underlying motivations of those initiating the reform. For example, some may fear that they will disadvantaged or victimized as a result of the reforms. Others may fear that they will lose out in the economic and political power struggles that underlie many land reforms.[26]

Other groups and individuals express concerns about land reforms focused on formalization of property rights. While the economic and social benefits of formalized land rights are often touted, some research suggests that such reforms are either ineffective or may cause further hardship or conflict.[27]

Additional arguments against land reform focus on concerns over equity issues and potential elite capture of land, particularly in regards to reforms focused on greater land formalization. If improperly or inadequately implemented, critics worry that such reforms may further disadvantage marginalization groups such as indigenous communities or women.[28] These concerns also lead to questions about the institutional capacity of governments to implement land reforms as they are designed. Even if a country does have this capacity, critics worry that corruption and patrimonalism will lead to further elite capture.[29]

In looking at more radical reforms, such as large-scale land redistribution, arguments against reform include concerns that redistributed land will not be used productively and that owners of expropriated land will not be compensated adequately or compensated at all. Zimbabwe, again, is a commonly cited example of the perils of such large-scale reforms, whereby land redistribution contributed to economic decline and increased food insecurity in the country.[30]

Evaluation of land reform

While many issues divide proponents and opponents of land reform, the questions below can help one to evaluate land reform in a more objective manner:

Land reform efforts

Agrarian land reform has been a recurring theme of enormous consequence in world history — see, for example, the history of the Semproninan Law or Lex Sempronia agraria proposed by Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and passed by the Roman Senate (133 BC), which led to the social and political wars that ended the Roman Republic.

A historically important source of pressure for land reform has been the accumulation of significant properties by tax-exempt individuals or entities. In ancient Egypt, the tax exemption for temple lands eventually drove almost all the good land into the hands of the priestly class, making them immensely rich (and leaving the world a stunning legacy of monumental temple architecture that still impresses several millennia later), but starving the government of revenue. In Rome, the land tax exemption for the noble senatorial families had a similar effect, leading to Pliny's famous observation that the latifundia (vast landed estates) had ruined Rome, and would likewise ruin the provinces. In the Christian world, this has frequently been true of churches and monasteries, a major reason that many of the French revolutionaries saw the Catholic Church as an accomplice of the landed aristos. In the Moslem world, land reforms such as that organized in Spain by al-Hurr in 718 have transferred property from Muslims to Christians, who were taxable by much higher rates.

In the modern world and in the aftermath of colonialism and the Industrial Revolution, land reform has occurred around the world, from the Mexican Revolution (1917; the revolution began in 1910) to Communist China to Bolivia (1952, 2006) to Zimbabwe and Namibia. Land reform has been especially popular as part of decolonization struggles in Africa and the Arab world, where it was part of the program for African socialism and Arab nationalism. Cuba has seen one of the most complete agrarian reforms in Latin America. Land reform was an important step in achieving economic development in many Third World countries since the post-World War II period, especially in the East Asian Tigers and "Tiger Cubs" nations such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Malaysia.

Since mainland China's economic reforms led by Deng Xiaoping land reforms have also played a key role in the development of the People's Republic of China, with the re-emergence of rich property developers in urban areas (though as in Hong Kong, land in China is not privately owned but leased from the state, typically on very long terms that allow substantial opportunity for private speculative gain).

Latin America

"The first liberating revolutions never destroyed the large landholding powers that always constituted a reactionary force and upheld the principle of servitude on the land. In most countries the large landholders realized they couldn't survive alone and promptly entered into alliances with the monopolies — the strongest and most ruthless oppressors of the Latin American peoples. U.S. capital arrived on the scene to exploit the virgin lands and later carried off, unnoticed, all the funds so 'generously' given, plus several times the amount originally invested in the 'beneficiary' country."
Che Guevara, Marxist revolutionary, 1961 [32]

Middle East and North Africa

Land reform is discussed in the article on Arab Socialism
The reforms were portrayed by the governing Ba'th Party as politically motivated to benefit the rural property-less communities. According to Arsuzi, a co-founder of the Ba'th Party, the reforms would, "liberate 75 percent of the Syrian population and prepare them to be citizens qualified to participate in the building of the state".[38]
It has been argued that the land reform represented work by the 'socialist government' however, by 1984 the private sector controlled 74 percent of Syria's arable land.[39] This questions both Ba'th claims of commitment to the redistribution of land to the majority of peasants as well as the state government being socialist - if it allowed the majority of land to be owned in the private sector how could it truly be socialist. Hinnebusch argued that the reforms were a way of galvanising support from the large rural population, "they[Ba'th Party members] used the implementation of agrarian reform to win over and organise peasants and curb traditional power in the countryside".[40] To this extent the reforms succeeded with increase in Ba'th party membership, they also prevented political threat emerging from rural areas by bringing the rural population into the system as supporters.
The land reforms continued from 1962 until 1971 with three distinct phases of land distribution: private, government-owned and endowed land. These reforms resulted in the newly-created peasant landowners owning six to seven million hectares, around 52-63% of Iran's agricultural land. According to Country-Data, even though there had been a considerable redistribution of land, the amount received by individual peasants was not enough to meet most families' basic needs, "About 75 percent of the peasant owners [however] had less than 7 hectares, an amount generally insufficient for anything but subsistence agriculture.".[41]
By 1979 a quarter of prime land was in disputed ownership and half of the productive land was in the hands of 200,000 absentee landlords [41] The large land owners were able to retain the best land with the best access to fresh water and irrigation facilities. In contrast, not only were the new peasant land holdings too small to produce an income but the peasants also lacked both quality irrigation system and sustained government support to enable them to develop their land to make a reasonable living. Set against the economic boom from oil revenue it became apparent that the Land Reforms did not make life better for the rural population: according to Amid, "..only a small group of rural people experienced increasing improvements in their welfare and poverty remained the lot of the majority".[42]
Moghadam argues that the structural changes to Iran, including the land reforms, initiated by the White Revolution, contributed to the revolution in 1979 which overthrew the Shah and turned Iran into an Islamic republic.



These property rights are extremely important as, not only do they empower farmer workers (who now have the opportunity to become farmers) and reduce inequality [49] but they also increase production due to inverse farm size productivity. Farmers with smaller plots who live on the farm, often use family members for labor, making these farms efficient. Their transaction costs are less than larger plots with hired labor.[50] Since many of these family members were unemployed it allows previously unemployed people to now participate in the economy and better the country’s economic growth.[51]
The Land Reform Process focused on three areas: restitution, land tenure reform and land redistribution.[48][52] Restitution, where the government compensates (monetary) individuals who had been forcefully removed, has been very unsuccessful and the policy has now shifted to redistribution with secure land tenure. Land tenure reform is a system of recognizing people’s right to own land and therefore control of the land.
Redistribution is the most important component of land reform in South Africa.[53] Initially, land was bought from its owners (willing seller) by the government (willing buyer) and redistributed, in order to maintain public confidence in the land market.[48]
Although this system has worked in various countries in the world, in South Africa is has proved to be very difficult to implement. This is because many owners do not actually see the land they are purchasing and are not involved in the important decisions made at the beginning of the purchase and negotiation.
In 2000 the South African Government decided to review and change the redistribution and tenure process to a more decentralized and area based planning process. The idea is to have local integrated development plans in 47 districts. This will hopefully mean more community participation and more redistribution taking place, but there are also various concerns and challenges with this system too.[54]
These include the use of third parties, agents accredited by the state, and who are held accountable to the government. The result has been local land holding elites dominating the system in many of these areas. The government still hopes that with “improved identification and selection of beneficiaries, better planning of land and ultimately greater productivity of the land acquired...” [55] the land reform process will begin moving faster.[56]
As of early 2006, the ANC government announced that it will start expropriating the land, although according to the country's chief land-claims commissioner, Tozi Gwanya, unlike Zimbabwe there will be compensation to those whose land is expropriated, "but it must be a just amount, not inflated sums."[57][58]
Despite these moves towards decentralization, these improved practices and government promises are not very evident. South Africa still remains hugely unequal, with black South Africans still dispossessed of land and many still homeless. The challenge for the incumbent politicians is to improve the various bureaucratic processes, and find solutions to giving more South Africans secure land tenure.

North America



See also



  1. ^ Batty, Fodei Joseph. “Pressures from Above, Below and Both Directions: The Politics of Land Reform in South Africa, Brazil and Zimbabwe. Western Michigan University. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, Illinois. April 7–10, 2005. p. 3. [1]
  2. ^ Borras, Saturnino M. Jr. “The Philippine Land Reform in Comparative Perspective: Some conceptual and Methodological Implications." Journal of Agrarian Change. 6,1 (January 2006): 69-101.
  3. ^ Adams, Martin and J. Howell. “Redistributive Land Reform in Southern Africa." Overseas Development Institute. DFID. Natural Resources Perspectives No. 64. January 2001. [2]
  4. ^ Adams, Martin and J. Howell. Land Reform in Southern Africa." Overseas Development Institute. DFID. Natural Resources Perspectives No. 64. January 2001.
  5. ^ Ghana’s Land Administration Project
  6. ^ Lund, Christian. Local Politics and the Dynamics of Property in Africa. Cambridge University Press: New York. 2008.
  7. ^ La Croix, Sumner. “Land Tenure: An Introduction." Working Paper no. 02-13. May 2002. University of Hawaii.
  8. ^ a b Boone, Catherine. “Property and Constitutional Order: Land Tenure reform and the Future of the African State.” African Affairs. 2007. 106: 557-586.
  9. ^ Locke, John.Two Treatises of Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [1689] 1991. and Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. Books 1—III. London: Penguin Books. 1999.
  10. ^ “What is land tenure?” Food and Agriculture Organization.
  11. ^ Dekker, Henri A.L. The Invisible Line: Land Reform, Land Tenure Security and Land Registration. Ashgate: Burlington, 2003. p. 2.
  12. ^ “Land Law.” Law and Development. The World Bank. February 23, 2007. [3],
  13. ^ : Boone, Catherine. “Property and Constitutional Order: Land Tenure reform and the Future of the African State.” African Affairs. 2007. 106: 557-586. and Manji, Ambreena. The Politics of Land Reform in Ghana: From Communal Tenure to Free Markets. Zed Books: New York. 2006.
  14. ^ Berry, Sata. “Debating the land question in Africa.” Johns Hopkins University. N.d. [4]
  15. ^ Boone, Catherine and N. Kriger. “Multiparty elections and land patronage: Zimbabwe and Cote d’Ivoire.” Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 48,1 (april 2010): 173-202.
  16. ^ Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, Markelova, Helen and Moore, Kelsey. “The Role of Collective Action and Property Rights in Climate Change Strategies.” International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2010. and Economic Commission for Africa. “Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa.” 2009.
  17. ^ The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, Penguin, 2006, 0143039431, pg 238
  18. ^ De Soto, Hernando. The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. New York: Basic Books. 2000.
  19. ^ Deininger, Klaus W. Land policies for growth and poverty reduction. The World Bank. 2003. [5]
  20. ^ World Bank. “Regional Study on Land Administration, Land Markets, and Collateralized Lending. 2003. [6]
  21. ^ Moore, Jina. “Africa’s continental divide: land disputes.” Christian Science Monitor. January 30, 2010. [7]
  22. ^ Kafmbe, Anthony Luyirika. “Access to Justice: Widows and the Institutions Regulating Succession to Property in Uganda.” Human Rights Review; Jul2006, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p100-113.
  23. ^ Ambasa-Shisanya, Constance. “Widowhood in the Era of HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of the Slaya District, Kenya. Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS. August 2007. 2:2, 606-615.
  24. ^ Tettey, Wisdom, B. Gebe and K. Ansah-Koi. “The Politics of Land and Land-related Conflicts in Ghana: A Summary.” Land Policy Reform Project. Institute for Statistical, Social and Economic Research at the University of Ghana. 2008. [8]
  25. ^ World Resources Institute. The Wealth of the Poor: Managing ecosystems to fight poverty. 2005. [9] and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). “Land Tenure and Rural Development.” FAO Land Tenure Studies No. 3. 2002. Accessed August 21, 2010. Available: [10]
  26. ^ “A chance to improve how Kenya is run.” The Economist. July 29, 2010
  27. ^ Bourbeau, Heather, “Property Wrongs.” Foreign Policy. Nov/Dec 2001. Issue 127, p 78-79 and Nyamu Musembi, Celestine. “De Soto and Land Relations in rural Africa: breathing life into dead theories about property rights.” Third World Quarterly. 2007. 28:8, 1457-1478.
  28. ^ Drimie, Scott. “The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Land: Case Studies from Kenya, Lesotho and South Africa.” Food and Agriculture Organization. August 2002. and Varley, Ann. “Gender and Property Formalization: Conventional and Alternative Approaches.” World Development. October 2007. 35:10, 1739-1753.
  29. ^ “Gender in Agriculture Source Book.” The World Bank, FAO and IFAD. 2009.[11]
  30. ^ “From breadbasket to basket case.” The Economist. June 27, 2002
  31. ^ “Summary Report of the Conference on Land Tenure and Conflict in Africa: Prevention, mitigation and Reconstruction." African Centre for Technology Studies. 9–10 December 2004. [12]
  32. ^ "Cuba: Historical Exception or Vanguard in the Anticolonial Struggle?" speech by Che Guevara on April 9, 1961
  33. ^ Fabricant, Nicole (2010). "Mapping a new geography of space and power". Bolivian Studies Journal 15-17: 114–149. ISSN 2156-5163. 
  34. ^ James Read, Bolivia head starts land handout, BBC News, 4 June 2006. Retrieved 20 July 2006.
  35. ^ "Morales signs controversial bill into law." [13], Taipei Times, 30 November 2006. Retrieved 30 November 2006.
  36. ^ Gleijeses, Piero. "The Agrarian Reform of Jacobo Arbenz." Journal of Latin American Studies 21, 3 (1989): 453-480.
  37. ^ Jaime Suchlicki, Mexico: From Montezuma to the Fall of the PRI, Brassey's (2001), ISBN 1-57488-326-7, ISBN 978-1-57488-326-8
  38. ^ as quoted in Heydemann 1999 p.193 'Authoritarianism in Syria: Institutions and Social Conflict' 1946-1970 Cornell University Press Ithica
  39. ^ "Syria - Agriculture". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  40. ^ Hinnebusch, R. 2001 p.55 'Syria Revolution From Above' Routledge New York
  41. ^ a b "Iran - Rural Society". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  42. ^ Amid, M. (1990) 'Agriculture, Poverty and Reform in Iran' London, Routledge
  43. ^ Raimondo Cagiano De Azevedo (1994). "Migration and development co-operation.". Council of Europe. p.25. ISBN 9287126119
  44. ^ a b c Statistical Yearbook of the Popular Republic of Albania 1963, Department of Statistics, Tirana, 1964
  45. ^ Z. Lerman, C. Csaki, and G. Feder, Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post-Soviet Countries, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD, 2004.
  46. ^ Joseph, Odhiambo (2006-08-22). "Pledge to redistribute Kenya land". BBC News. Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  47. ^ Namibia: Land Reform to Cost Billions
  48. ^ a b c Deininger, Klaus. "Making Negotiated Land Reform Work: Initial Experience from Colombia, Brazil and South Africa." World Development Vol. 27(1999): 651-672
  49. ^ Keefer, Philip, and Stephen Knack. "Polarization, politics and property rights: Links between." Public Choice 111(2002): 127-154
  50. ^ Van den Brink, Rogier, Glen Sonwabo Thomas, Hans Binswanger, Agricultural Land redistribution in South Africa: towards accelerated Implementation. 1st ed. Cape Town: HSRC Press, 2007
  51. ^ Torstensson, Johan. "Property Rights and Economic Growth: An empirical study." KYKLOS 47(1994): 231-247
  52. ^ Moseley, W.G. and B. McCusker. 2008. “Fighting Fire with a Broken Tea Cup: A Comparative Analysis of South Africa’s Land Redistribution Program.” Geographical Review. 98(3): 322-338.
  53. ^ Lahiff, Edward. "Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies." Land Reform in South Africa: A status Report 2008 38(July 2008): 1-42
  54. ^ Hall, Ruth. "Decentralisation in South Africa’s Land Redistribution." Presentation to the PLAAS regional workshop on Land Reform from Below? Decentralisation of Land Reform in Southern Africa. Program for land anad agrarian studies. Kopanong Conference Centre, Kempton Park, Johannesburg. 23-04-2008. Address
  55. ^ Lahiff, Edward. "Program for Land and Agrarian Studies." Land Reform in South Africa: A status Report 2008 38(July 2008): 1-42
  56. ^ Hall, Ruth. "Decentralization in South Africa’s Land Redistribution." Presentation to the PLAAS regional workshop on Land Reform from Below? Decentralization of Land Reform in Southern Africa. Program for land and agrarian studies. Kopanong Conference Centre, Kempton Park, Johannesburg. 23-04-2008. Address
  57. ^ "IRIN Africa | Southern Africa | South Africa | SOUTH AFRICA: Deadline for land transfer negotiations set | Governance | News Item". 2006-08-15. Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  58. ^ "SA land expropriation to start soon : Mail & Guardian Online". 2009-11-24. Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  59. ^ Afghanistan Country Study and Government Publication
  60. ^ Afghanistan Country Study
  61. ^ a b c d e f Rummel, Rudolph J. (2007). China's bloody century: genocide and mass murder since 1900. Transaction Publishers. p. 223. ISBN 9781412806701. 
  62. ^ a b c d Short, Philip (2001). Mao: A Life. Owl Books. pp. 436–437. ISBN 0805066381. 
  63. ^ Twitchett, Denis; John K. Fairbank, Roderick MacFarquhar. The Cambridge history of China. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052124336X.,+and+usually+several,+in+virtually+every+village+for+public+execution&ie=ISO-8859-1. Retrieved 2008-08-23. 
  64. ^ Stephen Rosskamm Shalom. Deaths in China Due to Communism. Center for Asian Studies Arizona State University, 1984. ISBN 0-939252-11-2 pg 24
  65. ^ a b "SD: Institutions : Land reform in rural China since the mid-1980s, Part 1". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  66. ^ "Assembly election 2011 West Bengal: Trinamool Congress rises like phoenix". The Times Of India. 
  67. ^ [Heller, Patrick. 1999. The Labor of Development. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Chapters 2 and 3.]
  68. ^ "Sri Lanka land reform legislation". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  69. ^ Communist Party of Vietnam, Kinh nghiệm giải quyết vấn đề ruộng đất trong cách mạng Việt Nam (Experience in land reform in the Vietnamese Revolution), available online: Bao Dien tu Dang Cong san Viet Nam
  70. ^ The Viet Minh Regime, Government and Administration in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Bernard Fall, Greenwood Press, Connecticut, 1975.
  71. ^ "Statistics Of Vietnamese Democide". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  72. ^ "South Korea - The Emergence of a Modern Society". Retrieved 2010-06-27. 
  73. ^ CARP not renewed,, 3 January 2009.

Further reading

External links